Index for Help Pages

          The definitions and other help pages throughout the CPMS mention several enhancements planned for future phases. The current version is scaled-down, to introduce the system to court officials, and implement improvements with their input. Some of the enhancements under consideration include:

  • counting criminal cases with the defendant (or incident) as the unit of measure, rather than the "case" (there can be many related charges against the same defendants in different cases, and now these related cases are counted as several "cases," instead of just one);

  • aging criminal cases in superior court from the time of original arrest or service of process rather than the time of transfer to superior court;

  • including workload measures for cases in post-disposition status, especially criminal "motions for appropriate relief" and probation violation proceedings (post-conviction activity comprises a considerable workload for court officials);

  • expanding display of statistical data (numbers of cases) and eventually to eliminate printing and distribution of paper "management" reports (data on manners of disposition is the principle type of statistical data not yet in the CPMS but that is in printed reports);

  • removing cases from pending status in appropriate circumstances, such as when a deferred prosecution is being given a chance to work, so that these cases, which can become "old" for good reason, do not inappropriately skew (increase) overall aging data;

  • adding measures that have already been approved by the Judicial Council, but for which automated systems must be enhanced, including the number of times a case is calendared before being tried, and the total amount of restitution recovered for victims compared to the amount ordered;

  • breaking down the existing case categories into more specific case types - see list under consideration below.

  • The CPMS will eventually give measures for more specific breakdowns of the case categories shown now. Some case types under consideration are:

    Civil Superior Criminal Superior Civil District Criminal District
    Contract Murder by 1st / 2nd degree URESA/UIFSA Domestic Assault
    Collection Manslaughter Child Support (IV-D) Other Assault
    Medical Malpractice Rape and 1st Deg. Sex Off. Child Support (Non IV-D) Controlled Substances
    MV Negligence Other Sex Offenses Divorce Only Sex Offenses
    Other Negligence Robbery Other Domestic DWI
    Real Property Assault Protective Order Probation Violations
    Administrative Appeal Burglary and B&E Child Custody Other Post Conviction-
    Larceny Arbitration Activity
    Arson and Burnings Contract Worthless Checks
    Forgery and Utterings Collection
    Fraudulent Activity MV Negligence
    Controlled Substances Other Negligence
      Impaired Driving Appeal    
      Other Motor Vehicle Appeal    
      Non-Motor Vehicle Appeal    
      Probation Violations    
      Other Post Conviction Activity    

    Juvenile Cases

    At present there is no statewide juvenile system. Juvenile cases are by law confidential procedures. Eventually CPMS will include statistical data on juvenile cases.


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